SportySuit for Genesis 3 Females

SportySuit for Genesis 3 Females

SportySuit for Genesis 3 Females
Product Name: SportySuit for Genesis 3 Female
Designed and Tested on DAZ Studio 4.9

Stuff Inside:

5 Piece Clothing Item

- 1 Split-Top
- 1 Bottom
- 2 FlipFlops
- 1 Sheath for Tactical Knife

1 Prop

- Tactical Knife

43 FX Moprhs for Split-Top
- BandOpen_Left
- BandOpen_Right
- ChestInwards1_Left
- ChestInwards1_Right
- ChestInwards2_Left
- ChestInwards2_Right
- ChestInwards3_Left
- ChestInwards3_Right
- ChestOpen1_Left
- ChestOpen1_Right
- ChestOpen2_Left
- ChestOpen2_Right
- ChestOpen3_Left
- ChestOpen3_Right
- ChestOpen4_Left
- ChestOpen4_Right
- Pull_BackOut
- Pull_BackOutLeft
- Pull_BackOutRight
- Pull_BackUp
- Pull_FrontOut
- Pull_FrontOutLeft
- Pull_FrontOutRight
- Pull_FrontUp
- Pull_FrontUpLeft
- Pull_FrontUpLeft2
- Pull_FrontUpRight
- Pull_FrontUpRight2
- Pull_LeftDown
- Pull_LeftOut
- Pull_Leftup
- Pull_RightDown
- Pull_RightOut
- Pull_RightUp
- Zipper_Break
- Zipper_BreakLeft
- Zipper_BreakRight
- Zipper_Sealed
- Zipper_SealedLeft
- Zipper_SealedRight
- Zipper_Unsealed
- Zipper_UnsealedLeft
- Zipper_UnsealedRight

38 FX Morphs for Bottom:
- Crotch_CenterBack
- Crotch_Down
- Crotch_Side2Side
- CrotchFront_RevealLeft
- CrotchFront_RevealRight
- CrotchRear_RevealLeft
- CrotchRear_RevealRight
- Fly_Closed
- Fly_ClosedLeft
- Fly_ClosedRight
- Fly_OpenLeft01
- Fly_OpenLeft02
- Fly_OpenLeft03
- Fly_OpenRight01
- Fly_OpenRight02
- Fly_OpenRight03
- Pull_BackDown
- Pull_BackOut
- Pull_BackOutLeft
- Pull_BackOutRight
- Pull_FrontDown
- Pull_FrontDown2
- Pull_FrontDownLeft
- Pull_FrontDownLeft2
- Pull_FrontDownRight
- Pull_FrontDownRight2
- Pull_FrontOutLeft
- Pull_FrontOutRight
- Pull_LeftSideDown
- Pull_LeftSideOut
- Pull_LeftSideUp
- Pull_RightSideDown
- Pull_RightSideOut
- Pull_RightSideUp
- Zipper_Sealed
- Zipper_SealedLeft
- Zipper_SealedRight
- Zipper_UnsealedLeft
- Zipper_UnsealedRight

2 Adjustment Morphs for Split-Top
- FBMExpandALL
- Adjust_Centerline

1 Adjustment Morph for Bottom
- FBMExpandALL

1 (each) Adjustment Morph for FlipFlops(2)
- FBMExpandALL

1 Adjustment Morph for Sheath
- FBMExpandALL

5 Templates
3 AO Maps

- 1 .png Templates for Each Piece
- 3 .png AOMaps

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