Help on making features work

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  • #311049
    Rank: Rank-1

    Hello, i am new here, sorry if you already answer this before, but i have download some content from here, than i open the install manager to put them into DAZ, but they were not there! How do i put the content on my Daz studio? Thanks!

    Rank: Rank 6

    Unless the item is from Daz (and not an .exe), it wont natively be installable through DIM. If the file name is IM000[SKU ID]-01_[Product Name].zip, then open the archive file and check if it has "manifest.dsx" and "supplement.dsx" files in there, if it does, it should work just fine. If it only has a "manifest.dsx" it should work also. If neither of those exist, then you'll have to create them using either Content Package Assist or CDDS (Custom DIM Design Studio).

    There's a tutorial for Content Package Assist here:

    And CDDS with tutorials can be found here:

    I hope this helps.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Ok, thank you, so i take the "manifest.dsx" or “supplement.dsx” and where i put them?

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