The Tyto Ensemble for Genesis 3 Female(s)
Following on the heels of our Aquila Ensmble we present our newest addition to our outfit line: The Tyto Ensemble!
This set features a unique dress with crisscrossing lacing design in the front and a split skirt, matching loin piece, a long draping scarf plus jewels for arms and legs. Multiple material zones allow for easy customization and allow maximum flexibility using the individual pieces.
All pieces come with a number of style and adjustment morphs. The dress and scarf sport control dials to regulate movement of the lower shin parts of the skirt and the loose ends of the scarf.
Four wearable presets are included, along with eight full texture sets for all included outfit items. Easy application of all materials at once to all outfit pieces can be achieved through hierarchical material presets.
This outfit was featured as a production example in Digital Art Live's five part webinar series The Ultimate Guide to Creating Complex Outfits in Daz Studio, presented by Arki.