What happened to genesis-9-body-shapes posted in blog

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  • #1882129
    Rank: Rank-1

    I mean, I know what happened to it, but I "paid" the points and then it just went to an error page...

    Did anyone get it before it crapped out?

    Rank: Rank 7

    They were duplicates, because they are all in this bundle:

    Rank: Rank-1

    Yeah... I hear you... but one is the bundle, and not available until November...
    and the one posted was just the shapes, Available now....

    If I don't want the expressions etc?

    My timing must have been crappy, because, as said, it allowed me to pay, but then it crapped out...

    Rank: Rank 7

    Try contacting the person that uploaded the bundle via pm 😉

    Rank: Rank-1

    Sadly, I didn't see who uploaded it... I was kinda reaching out via this thread to be honest...

    Rank: Rank-1
    Paul (Fuzzy3000)
    Rank: Rank 5

    They were duplicates, because they are all in this bundle:

    But items were/are being posted even though in the V9 pre-sale bundle.
    Even when it was known that it would be available - should be no different than duplicates of items that will be posted at alater date [schedules post]
    Just saying... 🙂

    If a bundle is posted / promissed then no items should be posted individually at any time, as long as bundle remains active.
    Many items available for 50 - or individual posts for 50 each.
    Makes no sense to want individual - even if you do not want all/some of the bundle.

    Rank: Rank 3

    @fuzzy3000 I agree about breaking up bundles but would add the caveat - unless the uploader of the individual items is also the uploader of the bundle. Then it should be copasetic. Lots of folks don't want an entire bundle and are happy to see bundles broken up. If the bundle uploader doesn't want to break it up, that's up to them. Eventually, it will get broken up....if not here, then on the other sharing sites.

    Related note: usually, on Mega the bundle files can be individually downloadable if folks don't want the entire bundle.

    Paul (Fuzzy3000)
    Rank: Rank 5

    I can see where you are coming from, but slightly flawed logic - even if the same person.
    As you mention re: Mega,
    1 - create folder with, lets say, 8 bundled items in it.
    2 - upload folder to Mega.
    3 - post bundle on Blog.

    Why create extra uploads, that take extra Mega storage, when all 8 are in one place.
    Buyer has option of downloading all/ or as many as wanted from Mega folder - for 50 points.
    Why be the sort that wants to get, again say, 300 points for 6 items, when you can offer up to 8 for 50.
    Also Mega will let you add more to the folder if you feel generous [and if additions or updates are appropriate.

    But the main caveat is that individual items should not be allowed to be posted by anyone if a bundle is being offered or, as with scheduled postings, soon to be posted.

    Rank: Rank 3

    @fuzzy3000, I think we are agreeing. I read your post and don't see where it disagrees with what I wrote. But it's not a biggie either way. As always, I believe in maximum flexibility to the original uploader to encourage sharing. Anything that detracts from that is a no-no imo. Cheers!

    Rank: Rank Overload


    There is a GOOD REASON why something has a later date release, and it's very simple, Daz3D does track our users, and they are members here and they leech as much as we leech from their store. Many Daz3D Publish Artists, just like many from RenderHub and Renderosity and Renderotica steal from here equally. However, the REASON someone is allowed to put a RELEASE DATE is simple, if they bought the bundle, downloaded it and put it on a MEGA or other source, then released it, the Daz person watching our site can do a check on WHO BOUGHT THE BUNDLE... date and time stamp, if this person was the ONLY ONE to buy it before that time Daz can choose to ban the user or search for other items that user has pirated via their username here. If they can link a Daz Customer breaking the agreement that every user signs electronically at Daz, they have got you. So waiting a couple of days or even a week throws Daz off the scent and they cannot spot who it was directly. That is the reason, everyone should agree it's legitimate and good.

    As long as the bundle isn't one giant RAR file, and the individual items are in folders with the IM000*.zip installers in them, and a promo at least, there is no issue. I think it's stupid a user would literally say no thank you for paying 50 points for just one item in a completed Bundle. The damned things cost a shitload of cash, I've paid you lots more for this so it would make it into ZoneGFX along with many others. Putting it in the blog isn't going to make you a millionaire but every little bit helps. I support and stand behind your decision to put a set release day on the Bundle. Anyone posting pieces of the bundle will find that those items are blocked and we do remove duplicates if they are part of a bundle already scheduled. I got your back Mister Fuzzy3000.

    Requests Moderator

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