Manga Marker Materials for Genesis 8 Female
Hey guys,
Downloaed and installed the above but cannot use as it seems there are missing Runtime files
' runtime/textures/canary3d/mangamarkers/g8f/c3d_g8f_mm_blue_arms.jpg ' for example.
Please upload. Thanks
Have the missing files for this been uploaded yet?
I've PMd the uploader ages ago but not heard anything back?
Or does anyone have the missing Rumtine and Data files?
Same old story - time after time.
OP uploads rubbish.
Member DLs rubbish.
Finds out not working.
Complains through official channels - nothing happens, points gone & usually ignored.
This might not cost actual money, but something, after many comments by many members, still needs to be done to resolve this lack of support or resolution.
As many issues as I have with the site, I can't recall ever having an issue with getting a refund. Report it as a damaged file and ask for a credit. 99% of the stuff here is "free" since points are basically free. I don't even ask for points back anymore. Report dead link / bad file and move on. Buying a pay now wait 7 days however is another story.
I vaguely recall after sharing a few files I had enough points to download the entire site and I did.