RT-Redemption MegaPak

RT-Redemption MegaPak

RT-Redemption MegaPak
Package details :

* 10 obj(s)


* RDM Dress
List of BodyMorphs: Amazon-Volumptuous-Aiko4body-Fantasia-Utopian
List of Movement Morphs :
SkirtRlegBack - SkirtLlegForward - SkirtLlegBack - SkirtRlegForward
SkirtTwistLEFT - SkirtTwistRIGHT - SkirtBottomBACK - SkirtBottomFORWARD
SkirtWIDE - SkirtLowBEND - SkirtLowLEFT - SkirtLowRIGHT - SkirtKNEEL
SkirtSideSlitWIDE - PuffFrontThighHip - PuffBehindThighHip - SkirtLowFORWARD)
Further Adjustment morphs at Chest part : FitChestToArmsOverhead - FitChestToArmsVeryLow
Further Adjustment morphs at special bodypart SkirtThigh: SideToSide - Bend

* RDM Belt (BodyMorphs: Amazon-Volumptuous-Aiko4body-Fantasia-Utopian)
* RDM Cuff-L ( all above )
* RDM Cuff-R ( all above )
* RDM Sandals ( all above )
* RDM Necklace ( all above )
* RDM Rope ( all above )
* RDM HeadCap (Adjustment morphs: Scale Z - ScaleX - Scale Y)

* 3 Props
* Seath (parented to V4's back)
* Sword in Seath (parented to Seath)
* Sword in R-hand (parented to V4's R-hand)

HANDS- Dress Poses:
* Sword in hand pose (extension renamed to pz2 for easy location with the MAT sword files)
* 15 Poses of the dress skirt to use as starting point - plus one that sets the dress back to default.

* 90 High-detailed textures, transparencies & bump/displacement maps
* 108 MAT files for :
* 12 complete sets with possibility to mix and match for further variations.

All presets are compatible with P5 and Higher Poser Versions (PNG).


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