3DUK - Ivy Valentine For G8F (REPOST @ 3DUK NARC)

3DUK - Ivy Valentine For G8F (REPOST @ 3DUK NARC)

3DUK - Ivy Valentine For G8F (REPOST @ 3DUK NARC)

My Pirate brethren,

Sorry for the change up from my normal share methods. but my fellow pirates, we have a NARC among us. Look up 3DUK models.
They have all been removed. The last was my recent share of Cortana for G8F ( she has been dropped into Dead Posts 2 times already in a week).
I am truly SORRY!
I will offer up "ONE" 3DUK Freebie my next link after this 3DUK Ivy just for all of you!

I now have no more access to freely share my file due to a DMCA from you 3DUK. Dude your a trademarked content thief. See I say thief because we all know You have NO, I mean ZERO approval to use any of the characters you OPENLY sell on 3rd party sites (funny how DAZ.com dont let your STOLEN items within their market... Am I wrong? NOPE)! So why DMCA us when we share your stolen goods? .I was NICE enough to buy your STOLEN characters, so be happy your getting more than a TEAM of lawyers from some one like EPIC games at your doorstep. I leave you with this 3DUK, you strike another of my posts and I will take all 9 of your models I currently own and share them 3 times each across the web. You do it again, I move to 4 times each. This will go on until your content is WORTHLESS and people like Epic employees or Sony officials, find your STOLEN character models for sale and shut your shit DOWN! Do yourself a favor, stop. Instead CREATE something original, not a knockoff of a ripped game model others spent days, weeks, possibly YEARS trying to launch.. Perhaps then you can feel better about being the snitch you already are.

Don't throw stones, when you freaking live in a glass house yourself. Disney HATES it when they find people selling their characters, I mean HATES it. I know, worked there a long time. "Now I wonder where that book of old friends is....hummm....?"

Yours Truly,
The one and only,
Perfect ZER0

PS: ALWAYS remember you fired the first shot. I was just aware enough and skilled in piracy enough to catch your overbearing tactics. I'll see you in Hell one day my friend, Cause we both know you too pirate shit when here on ZoneGFX. Perhaps then we can have a face to face on your hypocrisy. Until that day, mess with me or my Pirate family on sites like this and its me that will haunt you!

<a href="The NaRc 3DUK

https://www.renderhub.com/3duk/ivy-valentine-for-g8f">The NaRc 3DUK


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