Z Useful Actions - Poses and Expressions for the Genesis 3 Females

Z Useful Actions - Poses and Expressions for the Genesis 3 Females

Z Useful Actions - Poses and Expressions for the Genesis 3 Females
Z Useful Actions - Poses and Expressions for the GIncluded in this pack:

For the Genesis 3 Female(s)


- 20 Flat Feet Poses for the Genesis 3 Female(s)
- 20 Flat Feet Mirrored Poses for the Genesis 3 Female(s)
- 20 High Heel Poses for the Genesis 3 Female(s)
- 20 High Heel Mirrored Poses for the Genesis 3 Female(s)
- 1 Zero Pose for Genesis 3 Female(s)



- 10 One-Click Expressions for Genesis 3 Female (Victoria 7)
- 10 Morph Dial Expressions for Genesis 3 Female (Victoria 7)
- 1 Zero Dials Expressions
- 1 Zero One-Click Expressions
- 20 Eye Positions with Mirrorsenesis 3 Females

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