World Ores Shader Collection
World Ores Shader Collection consists of high-quality shaders that offer users over a thousand possible variations. Through clever use of the 17 utility options( Normal, Displacement, Tiling, and Emission ), artists can incorporate the shaders into countless unique renders.
Try out the ores with Displacement and Normal Off, and Tiling at 1x1 or 2x3 for that dream metal-inlaid countertop!
Or maybe your characters have struck gold? Set your Displacement and Normals higher and your Tiling to 4x6 for a magical cave discovery scene!
In the World Ores Shader Collection, users are given access to 4k/2k/1k versions of Copper, Gold, Iron, Silver, Tin, and Uranium stylized shaders in varieties such as Flecks, Broken Vein, Vein, and Source to give artists further control over their renders.