VYK_Cherry Mack

VYK_Cherry Mack

VYK_Cherry Mack
Cherry Mack has different make up and tattoo options also comes with clothing.
Included in this set:
01 INJ/REM Face file
01 INJ/REM Body file
01 INJ/REM Stiletto Nails file
03 Nail Lenght files
01 Nipples OFF file
01 Default Mat file
01 Default Tattoo Mat file
07 Eye Color files
10 Lip Color files (10 Lip Colors + 01 Plain Lip file, each in matte and glossy styles)
10 Make-Up files (10 Make-Up files, each with different brow options + 1 Default Make-Up file)
10 Nail Color files (10 Nail Colors + 01 Default Nail Color file)

*Poser 6 or higher, DS3 Advanced or higher, and Poser 9 SSS Shaders are all included

**This product requires Semidieu's free Advanced Shaders (http://www.runtimedna.com/Advanced-Shaders.html)

***PLEASE NOTE: This product IS both Poser AND DAZ Studio compatible!


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1 thought on “VYK_Cherry Mack”

  1. If the shaders are required for this product how would somebody go about applying them to the model? I can't even access the runtime media website and if I remember correctly they were bought up by Daz some time ago. I checked the vendors page on renderosity as well just to clarify they would actually still have it up for sale even though it doesn't seem like there is a workaround or another way of getting the shaders. Don't know if you knew this upon posting, model looks worth the download even it doesn't have the proper shaders. If I was more experienced in DazStudio I'm sure this wouldn't be a problem and I could just make or convert others for myself, but I'm still a newb...

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