Victoria 2.0 Morphing Clothes Pack 1 [Dim Format]

Victoria 2.0 Morphing Clothes Pack 1 [Dim Format]

Victoria 2.0 Morphing Clothes Pack 1 [Dim Format]
Now Victoria 2.0 can have clothing no matter which morphs are used! The clothing in this pak has all the morphs from Victoria 2.0 applied to them so that they can be morphed to match Victoria 2.0 characters.

The Victoria 2.0 Morphing Clothing Pak 1 will let users make new characters using the Victoria 2.0 morphs AND still have clothing for the character.

Requires the previous purchase of the Victoria Clothing Pak 1

Victoria Clothing Pak 1 Clothing Items:
Bikini Top and Bottom
T-Shirt, Longsleeve Polo Shirt
Skirt, Pants and Dress
Socks, High Heel Shoes, Thigh Boots, Ankle Boots , Dress Shoes, Running Shoes
Morphs Supported:
All of the applicable morphs present on Victoria 2.0 are present on the clothing. The only Victoria 2.0 morphs which are not present on the clothes are "Stretch Neck", "Stretch Leg", "Stretch Arm" and some of the "Spandex" morphs. All the others have been mapped to the clothing.
Muscular, Tone, SuperHeroine, Faerie, Anime, Young, Barbarian, PearFigure, Emaciated, Heavy, ArmsPetite, ArmsHeavy, TorsoHeavy, TorsoLegHvy, HvyRollGone, HvyCreaseGo, HvyTghInFl, HeadNkHeavy, NeckOld, NeckThin, NeckTwist, TrapsSmall, ShldrSmall, LatsSmall, BreastSize1, BreastSize2, BreastSize3, BreastSize4, BreastSize5, BreastSize6, BreastSize7, BreastSize8, BreastGone, BreastMale, BrstNatural, BrstTopSlope, BrstCleavage, BreastLift, BrstRotateIn, SmoothCrease, GravityCrease, TummyOut, WaistNarrow, LoveHandle, Pregnant, AbsLine, AbsSoften, AbsPak, AbsUp, HipSoften, HipNarrow, HipSmall, GluteBig, GluteSmall, GluteCrease, GluteFlex, GluteRaise, ThighWide, ThighFull, ThighInFull, KneeSmall, CalfFull, CalfBulge, FootFrShoe, FootPetite, ToePointed, BigToeIn, SmallToesIn, CollarUpFix, ShldrDeltFix, ElbowFix, ThighInFix, KneeBndFix, KneeBulgFix, HeelInFix all the rest of the Victoria 2.0 morphs
All the partial and body morphs from Victoria 2.0 are present on the clothing. To help prevent crosstalk problems all the dials on the clothing have had suffixes added to them, such as "Heavy_p" for the Heavy morph on the pants. All the morphs originally present on the clothing, like untuck and length, are carried over into the Victoria 2.0 Morphing Clothing Pak 1.

Required Product:Victoria Clothing Pack 1

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