V3D HDR Add-On Tools
V3D HDR Add-On Tools is the perfect add-on for the HDR Creator and HDR Manager products, but it can do so much more! With HDR Add-On Tools, you can create very rapidly and efficiently new thumbs for your assets, as well as custom tips and custom image files called Previews. You can also create Previews for any hdr or exr image file (file formats generally used for environment images) existing on your computer: the ones you downloaded from the internet HDRI sites, the ones you created yourself, the ones you bought in Daz Store through HDRI sets, etc, etc.
The 2 main scripts consist in one script dedicated to images and one script dedicated to assets.
Concerning the script acting on images, the script can load in a list all .hdr or .exr images it finds in a given folder and its subfolders. You can then act on one or several images via a list, either by previewing the images in a small popup before your decide to create previews for them or not, or by creating these previews.
The previous are .prev.png files allowing you to see what your HDRI files look like in your file explorer (which is not easy in general), or what your assets (.duf files) look like in "bigger images", but they can also be used as an additional option in the V3DHDR Manager.
Concerning the script acting on assets, it was mainly developed for environment presets (render setting presets changing your environment) and is made to easily render thumb and/or tips and/or previews easily and efficiently. Thumbs, tips and previews all can be rendered with the exact cameras you want, and the tips and previews can be rendered with the exact dimensions you want. It acts on all the assets selected via your Content Library and your Smart Content Files Pane.
Clear overwrite strategies for each type of render allow you to define globally what you want to do in case of a risk of overwrite, so you make your choice once for all in each render session. This way, you will have a maximum of one global overwrite per render session when you batch render all your selected assets (and you will not suffer the horrible one overwrite warning per image any longer). You can also batch assign the type of an asset or add category for your selected assets.
Initially created for render setting assets, and especially the ones applying environment maps, this script for assets can also be used to batch render the thumbs, tips, and previews for many other types of content. In practice, it will work perfectly to batch render content for which applying the asset will replace the previously applied asset (such as most poses, shaders, and materials for instance). For other types of assets, an option is included so that the selected asset is not loaded in the scene before you render. This allows you to render a thumb, a custom tip, and/or a custom preview for a given asset, whatever its type, even if it is not supposed to be loaded just before the renders launch.
Everything was conceived for a super-efficient and easy workflow. At any time, you can set up your current options as the default options for the next sessions, so you never waste time with the configuration of your renders. Even if it is extremely intuitive and easy to use, the whole set is fully documented. Two other utilities allow you to install a menu and a removable toolbar and to launch the documentation from within the product.
Get the exact thumb, tips, previews, types, and categories you want for your assets and create relevant previews for your HDRIs with V3D HDR Add-On Tools.
What's Included and Features
V3D HDR Add-On Tools: (.DSE)
V3DHDR Addon Tools 01 Install
V3DHDR Addon Tools 02 Open Documentation
V3DHDR Addon Tools 03 For Images
V3DHDR Addon Tools 04 For Assets
This product includes:
1 DSON Core Installer
File Hosting: Other File Hosting