Universal Eye Shader+Textures
Customisable eyeball materials for Cycles (textures available separately), for use with the included base mesh or with the eye included with the rigs/meshes. The shader is separate from the textures so as to provide a more affordable option for those wanting to supply their own textures. Instructions for making compatible textures that make use of all the parameters can be found here).
Iris and Sclera/cornea node groups constructed using standard Blender nodes, with relevant parameters exposed
Exterior and interior eyeball models (422 faces, all quads) with iris dilation/constriction and offset shape keys, UV unwrapped ready for texturing
Annotated charts explaining the Iris and Sclera/Cornea node groups' interior workings
Compatible with Blender 2.79 and higher (appearance will differ slightly in versions prior to 3.0)
Limbus illuminates when backlit if there is no object obstructing the light (such as an eye socket).
<a href="https://sites.google.com/view/universalhuman/products/base-meshes/eye-shader?authuser=0
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