Unique Fabrics Shaders and Merchant Resource

Unique Fabrics Shaders and Merchant Resource

Unique Fabrics Shaders and Merchant Resource

Unique Fabrics was created by hand from the ground up to give a truly unique user and merchant experience.

The virbant colors, patterns, and designs in Unique Fabrics have been made with care and attention to the small details that add realism to the feel and look of the fabrics including detailed normals and small imperfections, plus translucency options to give each fabric a customizable sheer appearance.

For those who enjoy shader packs, each pattern was created by hand, separated into parts, and reassembled so that the fabrics can be customized in numerous ways straight out of the box.

For those who are interested in using this as a merchant resource, everything you need to truly personalize the fabrics easily is there for you. You can easily take the textures into your favorite apps to use in an unlimited number of ways.


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