[UE5] Precision Sniper Rifle
It's a bolt action sniper rifle (.300). Weapon has a modular structure and consists of separate meshes: body (static & skeletal), optical sight (static & skeletal), bipod (static & skeletal), muzzle brake (static), Picatinny rail (static) for parts permutability with our packs. Materials: monochrome - black, sienna, camo - modern, desert, winter, woodland; supports scratch intensity, color, camo colors parameters. Each arms animation take has 3 versions depended on left hand position (on handguard, with angled grip, with folding grip).
Project setup
1) Set in project settings "Near Clip Plane" to 2.0 and restart engine.
2) For projects before UE 5.1 should bind axis mappings in project settings similar to official FPS template:
Turn (UE4), Turn Right / Left Mouse (UE5): MouseX (Scale: 1.0)
LookUp (UE4), Look Up / Down Mouse (UE5): MouseY (Scale: -1.0)
MoveForward (UE4), Move Forward / Backward (UE5): W (Scale: 1.0), S (Scale: -1.0)
MoveRight (UE4), Move Right / Left (UE5): D (Scale: 1.0), A (Scale :-1.0)
For best animation retargeting results to UE4 Mannequin follow this steps:
1) Go to UE4 Mannequin’s (target) skeleton hierarchy, click “Options” (top left), check “Show Retargeting Options”. All bones should be set to “Skeleton”, except ik_hand_root, ik_hand_gun, ik_hand_l, ik_hand_r – set them to “Animation”. Read more about this operation at UE Docs.
2) lowerarm_twist_01_ are keyframe animated to 100% of hand_ non gimbal locked roll rotation. To avoid improper lowerarm deformations for target skeleton:
Simple - remove them from humanoid rig for target skeleton before retargeting.
Advanced - create virtual bones which copy location/rotation of lowerarm twists at target skeleton hierarchy and assign them in humanoid rig to source skeleton lowerarm twists. After retargeting it will be possible to use this virtual bones as roll source for manipulating lowerarm twists inside AnimBP (with “Apply percentage of rotation” node). For custom character meshes with corrective blendshapes driving twists manually will be more suitable (via “Twist corrective” or “Pose driver” nodes).
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