[UE5] Moon surface building kit - Highpoly and lowpoly terrains

[UE5] Moon surface building kit - Highpoly and lowpoly terrains

[UE5] Moon surface building kit - Highpoly and lowpoly terrains

A pack of 42 proceduraly generated highpoly meshes with 8K textures for terrain decoration and backdrop setup. Also pack includes 42 Heightmaps in true equalized ( full histogram ) 16 bit .

Also lowpoly versions of those meshes are included for convinience ( lighter on memory footprint )

There are several of terrain types - Generic moon , Craters, Flat and Ridged , which should be enough to create a believable moon terrain with minium effort. Demo-scene is included to show the intended use.

Important! This is not an unreal landscape pack. This project is static mesh based with landscape to fill in the gaps. So, if you would want to used provided heightmaps as a landscape ( in Heightmaps.zip ) , you would need to import them manually.

Each mesh has a RHA texture - Roughness, Height , Ambient Occlusion , where roughness is custom and crafted as a separate pass for additional detail. Also each mesh has proper normal map for meshes to be tweaked for different lighting.

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Technical Details
Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

42 Different meshes for surface creation
3 Seamless landscape textures ( layers )
4 types of landscapes - Generic moon , Craters, Flat, Ridged
Highly complex roughness
Pixel - sharp procedural textures
42 x 8k 16 bit Heightmaps

Number of Unique Meshes: 84

Collision: Yes ( auto convex )

Vertex Count: 40k lowpoly , 2.5kk - highpoly

LODs: Yes ( each highpoly mesh has simplified counterpart )

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 2 and 44

Number of Textures: 156

Texture Resolutions: 8K

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Requires PythonScriptExtension and WorldPartitionHLOD ( default UE plugins )

This product supports Nanite for Unreal Engine 5.0+


File Hosting: Other File Hosting

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