[UE5.5] NWH Dynamic Water Physics 2

[UE5.5] NWH Dynamic Water Physics 2

[UE5.5] NWH Dynamic Water Physics 2

NWH Dynamic Water Physics 2 is a water-object interaction simulator that uses mesh data to simulate both buoyancy and hydrodynamics, making it suitable for objects of any shape or size, moving or stationary.


Fast and easy to set up.

Simulate any object of any shape or size, as long as it has a UStaticMesh.

Simulates both buoyancy and hydrodynamics.

Shape-aware and correct physics behaviour that also works underwater.

Heavily customizable physics with runtime-adjustable settings.

Ship controller is included.

Written in C++, well-optimized, fast, and multi-threaded.

Suitable for mobile and desktop applications.

Supported water systems:

Unreal Water (4.26+)


Any flat water

Easy-to-implement interface for adding custom water support

Full C++ source code included.

Blueprint support. No coding is required.


Fast and easy to set up.
Simulate any object of any shape or size, as long as it has a UStaticMesh.
Simulates both buoyancy and hydrodynamics.
Shape-aware and correct physics behavior that also works underwater.
Heavily customizable physics with runtime-adjustable settings.
Ship controller is included.
Written in C++, well-optimized, fast, and multi-threaded.
Suitable for mobile and desktop applications.
Supported water systems:
Unreal Water (4.26+)
Any flat water
Easy to implement interface for adding custom water support
Full C++ source code included.
Blueprint support. No coding required.
Code Modules:

Current Version: 1.6 (changelog)

Demo Builds: Win64 (Unreal Water)

Documentation: http://unreal.dynamicwaterphysics.com

Support: https://discord.gg/ubFBbM8

Number of Blueprints: 12

Number of C++ Classes: 7

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Win64, MacOS, and Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Win32, MacOS, Linux, Android, IOS, Switch, Xbox One, PS4


File Hosting: Other File Hosting

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