[UE5.5] Mountain Lodge

[UE5.5] Mountain Lodge

[UE5.5] Mountain Lodge

A modular mountain lodge with over 100+ assets. The scene is setup with dynamic lighting using lumen with the ability to easily switch lighting setup. All assets are made with game production quality and standards.

Video: https://youtu.be/38j97iNvAYI

Breakdown: https://youtu.be/QYlz7r5rOlE

When PIE:

Keyboard 1: Day/Night Toggle

Keyboard 2: Light On/Off Toggle

Keyboard 3: Sun On/Off Toggle

Keyboard 4: Sun Direction Toggle


100+ High Gamplay Ready Quality Assets

Master material with tweakable material instances

Tilabe materials

Blueprints for tweakable assets

Dynamic lighting using Lumen with two different lighting setups

Post process with colorgrading for each lighting

Texture Sizes:

4096px = 5

2048px = 97

1024px = 106

512px = 3

256px= 3

Number of Unique Meshes: 198Collision: (Yes, Custom)

Triange Count: 554 667 (All Assets)

LODs: Only Lod0

Number of Materials: 14

Number of Material Instances: 112

Number of Textures: 214

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Additional Notes: Email joakimstigsson@gmail.com for questions and support.


File Hosting: Other File Hosting

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