[UE5.1] MW Mountain Redwood Trees Forest Biome v4.1.0

[UE5.1] MW Mountain Redwood Trees Forest Biome v4.1.0

[UE5.1] MW Mountain Redwood Trees Forest Biome v4.1.0

Complete forest biome solution to procedurally generate an incredibly detailed next-gen Redwood Forest environment. Including hundreds of different foliage scans like trees, plants and various other forest assets.

Professional photogrammetry models and textures of trees and everything needed to generate the most photorealistic forests for UE5.

Nanite, Lumen & VSM
RTX 30 series GPU or faster
32GB system memory


Technical details
Physically-Based Rendering: Yes
Texture Size: The majority of assets use 4k base color, normal, and utility textures
Collision: Yes (automatically generated)
Nanite Triangle Count: 5-2 million (trees) 2-1 million (rocks/debris), 20000-500 (plants)
LODs: None (Nanite fallback)
Lightmap Support: No
Number of Meshes: 122
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 63
Number of Textures: 105
Platforms Tested: PC


File Hosting: Other File Hosting

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