[UE5.0] Modular Sci-Fi Base - Indoor Outdoor - Moon Theme

[UE5.0] Modular Sci-Fi Base - Indoor Outdoor - Moon Theme

[UE5.0] Modular Sci-Fi Base - Indoor Outdoor - Moon Theme

High poly sci-fi kit bash. Build your own sci-fi base.

A cinematic result - ideal for realistic scene composition and immersive video gaming!

The meshes have the NANITE function activated.
The high poly meshes are all modelled with 2 bevels along their entire edge, allowing the light to shine through perfectly. A normal card couldn't achieve this level of realism.
The meshes are modular and easy to move on a Base 10 grid.
The meshes are textured with intelligent materials. You can insert 3 overlapping layers (example: Base Texture + Dirt + Damage). The masks assigned to each layer can be used to modify the appearance of the meshes at will. The bash kit comes with several intelligent materials, but it's easy to create your own - the possibilities are endless: just drag and drop your textures.
The project includes a texture library so you can customize your materials at will. All textures have been carefully created to suit both realistic video games and science fiction films.
Have fun!

This product supports Nanite for Unreal Engine 5.0+.
Meshes representing glass objects are not activated, as nanite does not currently work on translucent materials.

This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.0+.


High-poly meshes
Modular (grid of 10)
Intelligent materials
Number of meshes: 486 High-poly meshes (483 unique meshes)

Collision: Yes

Number of vertices: 84 to 2,365,249 (Nanite activated)

LD: No (Nanite activated)

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 106

3 Masters
2 Functions
101 Instances
Number of Textures: 521

Texture Resolutions:

2 Textures: 8192*4096
492 Textures: 4096*4096
1 Texture: 2048*2048
9 Textures: 2048*1024
1 Textures: 1024*1024
4 Textures: 1014*1024
7 Textures: 720*720
1 Texture: 256*256
3 Textures: 256*16
1 Texture: 32*32
Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes


File Hosting: Other File Hosting

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