[UE4.26] Character Customization - Mercenary Soldiers Pack
The pack contains CharGen Modular Character System and Triple-A Terrorists models pack. It allows for a fast and easy creation of modular characters from ANY meshes that are rigged to the Epic Skeleton.
CharGen uses a Full Body Morph system. You will be able to set up any complexion for your characters WITHOUT Morph-Targets. The pack includes the most popular Interfaces and in-game user cases for game developing. Use
Character Configuration and in-game Character Switcher widgets - configure and play!
CharGen system is compatible with any modular and single characters from UE4 Marketplace rigged to UE4 Skeleton. You will be able to add\remove character parts and wear, accessorize, hats and more. Also, you will be able to set up the Hue, Saturation, and Material for any character element. The color picker and Hue picker widgets are included. Configuration for in-game units (NPC's, enemies, and other) is pretty simple.
CharGen has a Presets system, which allows you to make menu presets for different classes or characters. The system is based on a content-pack system so, it's really easy to add\remove character packs for your game.
CharGen fully compatible to most of Marketplace character content like modular characters, weapons, and animations!
AAA quality Terrorists models pack
CharGen - Fast, easy, and powerful tool, which allows you to create modular characters from ANY meshes rigged to the Epic Skeleton
CharGen - Full Body Morph system. Allows you to set up any complexion for your characters WITHOUT Morph-Targets!
CharGen - Easy character configuration interfaces from the box - Character Configuration and in-game Character Switch widgets - configure and play!
CharGen - Compatible with any modular and single characters from UE4 Marketplace rigged to the UE4 skeleton
CharGen - Hue, Saturation, and Material setup for any character element - Color picker and Hue picker widgets are included
CharGen - Easy to add\remove character parts - wear and accessorize hats and more
CharGen - Presets system - make menu presets for different classes or characters
CharGen - Content module system - easy to add\remove character packs
CharGen - Simple configuration for in-game units (npc's, enemies, and more)
Character meshes are scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Number of Skeletal Meshes: 14
Number of Blueprints: 20
Supported Development Platforms: PC, PS4
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, MacOS
Documentation: https://www.veagames.com/chargen
File Hosting: Other File Hosting