[UE4.19] Off-Road Vehicle

[UE4.19] Off-Road Vehicle

[UE4.19] Off-Road Vehicle

The car is modeled in a modular way, the doors can be opened, the hood can be lifted and the trunk can be opened.

There are 2 variants of the bodywork: with the engine and without engine.

The car is not set to move. Blueprint customizes only the appearance.


Blender & Unreal Engine version

Modular Car

Reasonable poly count

PBR Materials

Reused Textures for less stress on memory

Modeled the interior and exterior of the car

Maps Occlusion, Roughness, Metallic are collected in ORM packages

Custom Blueprint for Unreal Engine

Texture Sizes:

1024 - 3x

2048 - 3x

4096 - 9x

Collision: Yes - Auto

LODs: No

Number of Meshes: 21

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 5

Number of Textures: 15

Supported Development Platforms: PC, Console

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Documentation Included: Yes - https://youtu.be/OJtIqVmG120


File Hosting: Other File Hosting

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