[UE4.18] 3D-Scanned Venice & North of Italy Assets - Full Pack

[UE4.18] 3D-Scanned Venice & North of Italy Assets - Full Pack

[UE4.18] 3D-Scanned Venice & North of Italy Assets - Full Pack

So, we went to Italy – Venice, Florence, Milan and Pisa. What we came home with, is

this... (Demo from 0.05 - 1.10, Snow Shader instructions - 1.12 - 1.52, Material Shader instructions 1.52 - End)

We brought our 3D-Scanning equipment, returned with 12.000+ images and when we got back home, set to work. Eventually, we finished a total of 30 3D-Scans, retopologized them, added another 76 hand-made models and thought long and hard about how to give you the most effective technology to put those models to use.

What we came up with is a system we consider to be very useful.

Wall segments with openings for windows and doors, which can be easily edited with additional skins and a vector-based material system that will enable you to change colors almost instantly, and create a great amount of variation.

Also, we have included beautiful smoke particles for the chimnes and a full-grown snow shader - the fluffiest so far, in our opinion!

All models are heavily optimized, so no high-end hardware is needed to run this pack properly.

Along with all the other bells and whistles, we provide you with a gondola, a canal water surface, a moon-mesh and illuminated skins for windows and doors.

We are aware that there is still work left to be done, so we will keep improving this pack with your feedback.

Technical Details


3D-Scans (retopologized) and hand-made Models for Venice, Florence, Pisa etc.
A huge amount of Textures and Materials from Pavements over Brick- and Plasterwalls to Facades.
More than 100 Meshes, a Vector-Based Texture Shader and emissive Textures for night time Settings, Snow and Smoke Stack Systems.

Texture Sizes:

Between 1k and 4k for Props, mostly around 2k
Up to 8k for Pavements
Additional Maps in full size to ensure maximum Quality

Collision: Auto-generated on import for simple shapes, custom-generated for Bridges and some of the more complex shapes.

Vertex Count: Between 75 for small Window Props and up to 20.304 for the most complex Balcony Model (LOD0).

LODs: Following along with additional engine versions.

Number of Meshes: 106 Meshes + 17 Dev / Presentational Meshes

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 44 Materials, 151 Material Instances, 3 Material Functions, 1 Parameter Collection

Number of Textures: 537

Supported Development Platforms: All Windows-Based

Supported Target Build Platforms: All Windows-Based

Documentation: Quick Tutorial showing the Vector-Based Coloring Technique, another one for Snow System.


File Hosting: Other File Hosting

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