[UE4.16] Spaceship Lander VTOL
Master the Stars with a Fully-Equipped Sci-Fi Lander
Take control of a fully playable Sci-Fi Lander spaceship, complete with animated landing gear, dynamic lights, and a full range of sound effects.This high-quality package includes a complete Flight & Weapons System, featuring:
Single & Rapid Fire Lasers – Blast through enemies with precision.
Reactive Shield System – Deflect attacks in real time, with hit-based impact effects.
SciFi Lander Ship mesh
SciFi Lander Ship pawn blueprint - which can be scaled without issues
SciFi Lander Ship explosion blueprint
SciFi Lander Ship destructible mesh
Laser projectile blueprint
Primary laser blueprint
Secondary rapid-fire laser blueprint
Shield blueprint
Turret blueprint
Asteroid blueprint
Field Spawner blueprint
Keyboard & Gamepad control input
1 Asteroid Explosion particle
3 Other Explosion particles
Dust Mote particle (World Space)
6 Metal impact explosion sounds
2 laser gun sound types
2 Landing Gear sounds
Shield power up- and power-down sounds
3 Rocket propulsion sounds
2 SciFi alarm sounds
14 Sound Cues total
Number of Unique Meshes: 14
Collision: yes, custom
Vertex Count: 131 - 55,437
LODs: Yes
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 16 and 16
Number of Textures: 22
Texture Resolutions:
8k = 2
4k = 2
2k = 9
1024 =5
under 512 = 4
Supported Development Platforms:
Documentation: In Blueprints
Damage-Based Fire Particles – Watch your ship visually deteriorate as it takes damage.
Destructible Explosion Blueprint – A cinematic end to any ship that takes a fatal hit.
Rechargeable Shield System – Shields fail under heavy fire but reboot after a short delay
Fully Customizable & Game-Ready
The ship’s Blueprint is highly modular, automatically referencing key gameplay components like lasers, thruster flares, damage effects, and camera views. Fine-tune every detail with adjustable variables, including:
Laser size, speed, and explosion impact
Rapid-fire round settings
Shield & hull durability
Camera positioning and more!
Expand Your Universe with Physics Asteroids & Space Turrets
Enhance your scene with interactive Physics Asteroids and Auto-Firing Space Turrets, both capable of being destroyed by laser fire. The Asteroid & Planet Materials use efficient fake-lighting for ultra-low performance impact, while the Field Spawner Blueprint allows you to populate space dynamically with asteroids, turrets, or any other child actor blueprints—effortlessly.
A complete, optimized space combat system, ready to drop into your game.
File Hosting: Other File Hosting