[UE] The Great Marsh
An environment situated somewhere in the remoteness of Eastern Europe filled with fog, wind, and water.
Project has been updated to work with UE5.1 as of 01/23/2023
Fixed Exposure
Fixed broken water
Video: https://youtu.be/Nzc8yg8JebM
Spline Based telephone placement with random mesh selection and rotation, includes automatic cable attachment
Spline based guard rail system for road
Includes sounds, particles, blueprints, materials, meshes, textures, and the demonstration map shown in the pictures
Texture Sizes:
1024x1024 - 4096x4096
Collision: Yes, auto generated in editor
Vertex Count: 24 - 33076
LODs: Yes, auto generated in editor
Number of Meshes: 71
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 60
Number of Textures: 142
Supported Development Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Important/Additional Notes: Please enable DFAO in project settings for proper lighting and shoreline generation.
File Hosting: Other File Hosting