[UE] Boxing Game V3
The template for a boxing game.
Control a Boxer with the Keyboard.
2 Animation-Based Damage
Strokes of a Professional Boxer
Walk to 4 Angles
Dodges to any Direction
Technical Details
AI Punches V4 (Coming Soon)
Walk = (W) (S) (A) (D)
Blows = [Space Bar] [Al Gr] [C]
Dodges: [Shift] + [W] or [S] or [A] or [D]
Slow Motion = [-]
Slow Motion Off = [+]
Animations: 28
Number of Blueprints: 3
Scaled to Epic skeleton: (Yes)
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (No)
Number of Characters: 2
Animation types (Root Motion)
Network: (No)
Supported Development Platforms: (Windows)
Documentation: (Coming soon)
File Hosting: Mega.nz