Twilight Special (Vue)
Twilight -- that magical time between light and darkness! I always thought of "twilight" as being the time after the sun sets before it is totally dark, but according to the dictionary it can also be the similar lighting conditions just before sunrise.
Twilight Special is set of six spectral atmospheres for Vue 7 that use the spectral 2 clouds and capture the look of twilight. The special part is that the settings have been tweaked to provide enough light for other things in the scene to show up -- not just a pretty sky! It's similar to how our eyes adjust to low light conditions. However, if you want your scene to look darker, all you have to do is move the slider to the Sunlight side rather than Ambient on the Light tab in the Atmosphere Editor. Of course, you can adjust all the other settings also but moving that slider is a quick way to adjust the amount of light in the scene.