The Shuudan Goukan 02 POSE PACK M4 V4 Poser
The sun was just beginning to set as Asaki and Kazuki left the marketplace. Believing that they would be safe
traveling together, the two of them decided to take a shortcut through one of the alley tunnels... they would
quickly discover that walking in pairs is only safe if the predators don't out number you 5 to 2!
Shuudan Goukan 02 is the second edition of a Multi-set of poses that explores and exposes the fantasy world of multiple
partnered gang rape.
Even though this pose set has been designed for 5 men on 2 women character sets, these poses can also be used
for 2 men on 1 woman or 3 men on 1 woman character sets also!
Poser 4 (or higher), Michael 4 & Victoria 4