The Millennials
It's the Millennials that started it all! go back to the beginning with this Pack of Millennial characters converted to DIM format.
As is usual for my postings, Icons there, Metadata probably not, no read-me's or templates, Directory format so you can pick and choose.
File List:
IM00000003-01 Millennium Man Michael 1
IM00000085-01 Millennium Woman Victoria 1
IM00000366-01 Millennium Girls
IM00000383-01 Millennium Boys
IM00000846-01 Millennium Dragon
IM00000944-01 Millennium Dragon Folk
IM00001433-01 Millennium Dog LE
IM00001506-01 Millennium Cat
IM00002080-01 Millennium Environment
IM00002747-01 Millennium Kids Young Teens
IM00003070-01 Millennium Kids Preschoolers
IM00003743-01 Millennium Cat LE
IM00003747-01 Millennium Gorilla LE
IM00003898-01 Millennium Baby 3
IM00003989-01 Millennium Dragon 2 Hatchling
IM00003990-01 Millennium Dragon 2 Dragonling
IM00006560-01 MillenniumPuppy
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