The Grungeon "Core Pack" For DazStudio

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The Grungeon "Core Pack" For DazStudio

Product: The Grungeon Core Pack for Daz Studio
Vendor/Creator: Davo or Davorama
Daz Studio Optimization: Freeone
Copyright (c) 2021 davo. (c) Copyright 2021 freeone. All rights reserved. Not intended for redistribution.
Thank you for purchasing "The Grungeon Core Pack for" Package for Daz Studio from Davo/Freeone
You can always use a dreary and drab place to hide and torment your favorite characters. This interior construction set features a grungy texture theme as well as a utilitarian prison texture theme. And of course, it has some cool and unique restraint equipment and interesting room populating props.
SPECIAL NOTE: The complex wearable presets contained in this set not only pose the character but apply and align props to the character as well. These poses and prop alignments are guaranteed to be “relatively precise” when properly applied to a BASIC DAZ STUDIO GENESIS 8 FEMALE. Use of this product on a character that is even the slightest deviated from a Basic Genesis 8 Female negates ANY guarantee of “relatively precise” posing and prop alignments to the character. It is recommended to first apply the presets in this set and then apply any other morphs or characters that do not deviate the poses and prop alignments beyond your desire or abilities to correct them.
System Requirements:
- Requires DazStudio 4.11+
- Basic G8F or G8M for poses.
- PC compatible
- Not tested in Mac
- All files in .duf, .dsf, .png and .jpg format.
Figure Library Descriptions:

Cell Lamp Xtra: This is a posable and symmetrical mirroring set of hanging lamps that can be used in the cell room figure. This is a good alternative to the default lamps in the cell room if you need lamps that hang down rather than fixed to a flat ceiling. This is especially useful if you use the cell rooms arched ceiling.

Cell Room: This room is designed to fit the corridor cell door opening. It is right and left side symmetrical mirroring. There are 3 sets of columns in this room. The main column on each side has a hidden inner and upper column with wood textures. You can use these to create some interesting column effects. There are some ceiling cross beams that you bring down into view for some visual enhancements if you wish. All the beams have size/shape morph adjustments.
There is also an alternative arched ceiling for that old world look and feel if you wish to use it. All the walls/columns/ceiling/lamps can be moved out of view so you can render a scene without obstruction. Be aware that the walls are single sided 3d faces that allow you to look into the room, but if you render, the wall must be moved out of view so it will no obscure the render. There is 2 sets are textures that you can choose for the cell and corridor in the Pose library. Click on the cell and then choose the theme from the library, the textures will automatically apply.

Corridor: The Corridor is a simple arched ceiling corridor with front and back walls with cell doors, an end cap wall and an end wall with cell style security door. There are some pipes that are suspended from the ceiling that can be moved out of view. The cell doors open and close as well as the security door. The cell room can be placed behind each of the cell door openings or alternatively, you can place the Door Set 1 or Door Set 2 figures over the cell door openings so they obscure the open view. The corridor end walls have columns that can be moved out of view so you can stack as many corridors end to end to create a long scene with many doors. All elements of the corridor can be moved out of view so you can have a clean camera view.

Door Set 1: This is a set of solid metal doors with posable lever handle control box. The doors slide from side to side. These doors cover the openings of the corridor cell door openings. The little door cover over the door window is posable. There is a diamond shaped null base that holds the door sets together. If you add this to a corridor figure, parent the null base to the corridors "base" body part.

Door Set 2: This is a set of solid wood doors with a padlock (added as a prop). The doors slide from side to side. These doors cover the openings of the corridor cell door openings. The little door cover over the door window is posable. There is a diamond shaped null base that holds the door sets together. If you add this to a corridor figure, parent the null base to the corridors "base" body part.

Floor Lamp: This is a posable lamp that you can use to shine on your characters for interrogations. It's got size/shape morph adjustments on most parts and the bulb has a ambient lit material so it glows in a dimly lit scene.

Tool Rack: This is cool wood frame with wire mesh rack. There are 2 styles of hooks that you can move around the rack. This is good for adding diabolical tools, ropes, belts, whatever floats your boat. This is excellent for interesting room populating equipment.

Chain Set 1: This is a wall mounted post with a chain. The post is length adjustable, the chain is posable. This is good to chain your favorite character to the wall so they can't run away. There are poses in the pose library for G8F. Poses are meant to be used with G8F wearing the supplied basic iron neck cuff or supplied smart prop mask.

Chain Set 2: This is another wall mounted chain holder with 2 posable chains. This can be used to chain 2 characters to the wall. There are poses in the pose library for G8F. Poses are meant to be used with G8F wearing the supplied basic iron neck cuff or supplied smart prop mask.

Chair 1: This is a simple metal chair mounted to a metal floor plate. The chair has wrist and ankle cuff mounts. This is a right and left side symmetrical mirroring figure for faster posing of the chair and your character, just pose 1 side and mirror results to the other. The chair has many size/shape adjustment morphs for better fitting your custom characters. There are poses in the pose library for G8F.

Saddle 1: This is a crotch tormenting saddle figure with posable leg spreader. It has size/shape morph adjustments on most parts. There are poses in the pose library for G8F.
Transport Chair: This was a highly requested "wheelchair" style restraint chair that you can use to move your characters around in. It has several size/shape morphs on most body parts. There are poses in the pose library for G8F.

Yoke 1: This is a wall or floor mounted neck yoke figure with a couple of feet cuff chain mounts. It's got a depth morph on the base so it can double as a stock figure as well. There is a padlock prop parented to this figure, it can be removed. There are poses in the pose library for G8F.
Props Libraries:

Cuffs Library: (most of the poses include the wrist/ankle cuffs in conjunction with the restraints/equipment).
Davo / Basic Scifi Cuffs: contains smart prop wrist, ankle and neck cuffs for G8F/G8M.
To apply the cuffs, click on your character in the scene, then click to add each cuff or all at once, they will position automatically.
Props Library descriptions

Column: This is a concrete column that can be used to place some of the other props on such as the pipe valve, lever, etc. It has size/shape morphs to fit it as needed. There is a combination of this column and pipe valves provided as the "Pipe Valve Set.

Control Panel: This is a generic button and light set that you can use for any purpose.

Hanger: This is a simple wall mounted hanger with hooks that can be used to hang ropes, chains, and clothing on.

Horn: A loud speaker horn to mount on the wall, could be used for an alarm or emergency horn.

Lamp: This is an extra lamp that matches the lamp in the corridor figure. You can use it anywhere.

Lever: This is a generic electrical lever. It has morphs to put the switch in the upper or lower position. It also has morphs to hide the conduit pipes on the top and bottom.

Lock: This is a generic padlock with an old world look and feel. It has an open-close morph. This padlock is pre-parented to the Yoke 1 figure and Door Set 2 figure.

Mask 1: This is a full head iron mask with a hook mount on top. It fits G8F and G8M and comes in smart prop version for both those figures.

Mask 1 G8F - G8M Smart: Smart prop version of the Mask 1 prop. Once attached, you must bend your characters head back so the chin won't poke through. This mask is used in conjunction with the Chain Set 1 and Chain Set 2 poses.

Pipe Valve: This is a simple pipe with a valve. It has size/shaping morphs built in. You can add to any wall.

Pipe Valve Set: This is a pre-assembled set of 4 pipe valves and the column prop. You can place it anywhere.

Push Cart: This is a simple push cart you can use to push around diabolical tools and equipment. It has size/shaping morphs.

Shelf - Large: A large set of storage shelves you can use anywhere. It has some size/shaping morphs.

Shelf - Small: A smaller storage shelf that can be used anywhere. It has some size/shaping morphs.

Speaker: This is a wall mounted speaker that can be placed on anywhere.

Switch: A generic set of 3 switches with some turning morphs. It can be placed anywhere.

Table: A simple round table that can be used to place diabolical tools and equipment on. It has some size/shaping morphs.

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