The Caperucita Poses - for V4
Not enough time or patience to run cloth simulation ? That set is made for you !
Sexy, classic, playful, innocent, dynamic ... the poses are made for a large range of scenes.
With them, Victoria 4 can be the mysterious woman of the night, the little red riding hood from your childhood or the super heroe of your dreams.
Using the fantastic Caprucita from Fabiana, it consists of :
- 22 poses for V4
- 22 "tight" poses for the Caperucita and 22 loose ones
- 22 poses for the Hood + 19 ones to match better the loose cape poses (the poses are exactly the same but they fit better the "loose" cape poses)
- bonus : 1 more cape pose and 2 poses for the stand alone bow + 1 zero pose for V4, the Hood and the Cape
Required Product:The Caperucita