Technophilia Retro - Gynoids V3 - Rock-It

Technophilia Retro - Gynoids V3 - Rock-It

Technophilia Retro - Gynoids V3 - Rock-It
"20 thousand pounds of thrust strapped between your thighs and a little piece of leather between you and the big black beyond....... heck yeah! I say strap in, and blast off! There are things out there that need a laser beam between the eyes.... 2, 4 or 30..... and I am your Girl!" - Captain Diana VonVoooom - U.S. Cyber Chic Division. July 9th, 1959

Welcome to the world of Technophilia Retro... The Realm of Vintage Twisted Technology. Within this dark world, mad scientists wield their awesome and tainted knowledge to pervert the laws of nature. Creatures and creations, built by their own hands are brought to life through the forces of electricity and reason... Love the Electricity, Love the Metal

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