Tantalizing for Tight Shapers Set
Tantalizing for Tight Shapers Set is a brand new texture package for Tight Shapers Set by JTrout.
Included are 8 styles for the FullShaper, Panty, and Stockings. Included in this product are the following textures
and Mat Poses:
25 Textures for the Fullshaper Bra
33 Textures for the Fullshaper Cloth
17 Textures for the Tie
10 Textures for the Garters
15 Textures for the Stockings
4 Reflection Maps
8 Mat Poses for the Fullshaper
8 Mat Poses for the Panty
8 Mat Poses for the Stocking
4 Hide Material Utility Poses
80 Color Change poses for the Stocking
Note* You must have already purchased and installed Tight Shapers Set by JTrout for this product to function properly.
Happy Rendering.
Required Product:Tight Shapers Set for V4