Swamp Things (Vue)

Swamp Things (Vue)

Swamp Things (Vue)
Swamp Things is a set of SolidGrowth Vine Trees, Custom Root Tree Vue Objects, and a Vue Scene file for creating deep forest, swamp renders. All of the materials used are 100% custom procedural (no texture maps) and are world mapped so they look great at any render size with excellent texture variability. Included with Swamp Things are the following:

- 3 SolidGrowth Vine Trees (based on the standard SG Cherry tree)
- 5 Custom Root Tree Objects in Vue format (ranging from 5,000 to 50,000 polygons)
- 5 Custom Procedural Tree Mats and 1 Terrain Mat
- 1 Swamp Terrain Scene file containing a GI swamp atmosphere, rocky moss terrain, and swamp water

The SolidGrowth Vine Trees are great for quickly populating a forest background. The Root Trees contain gnarled, spiky roots which are common in swamp settings. A high fidelity Swamp Terrain scene is included as a starting point for populating the deep forest swamp with the Vine Tree and Root Tree objects.


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