Super-Physical Male Bundle + The Freak 4 Pro Bundle + M4 Hero Pro Pack
Super-Physical Male Bundle
special bundle includes:
M4 base
m4 morphs++
m4 muscle morphs
freak 4 base
m4 creature creator bundle
m4 creature creator add-ons
m4 elite body shapes
The FREAK 4 Pro Bundle
A massive bundle of FREAK-y goodness! This bundle contains everything from The FREAK 4 Starter Pack plus additional hair, clothing, textures, props, poses, characters, and more! Get inspired and take The FREAK 4 to new levels of realism. (unpacked exe-file CR2, OBJ)
M4 Hero Pro Pack
Sometimes a regular hero just isn't enough. Sometimes you need a PRO hero. Hero for hire? I believe Damage Inc. can help once you figure out what you really need. Clean up on MLK Blv.? They are there
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