Super Curves Remastered - G8 and 8.1 Female
The package contains 67 natural and professional body morphs.
A lot of shapes can be achieved by combining morphs. You can give your favorite characters a new and perfect shape.
(This package works completely independently of the old one)
Installation and User Instructions:
1. Unzip the files directly to your DAZ Studio library.
2. Load Genesis 8 or 8.1 Female to the work space.
3. Go to the Actor / Arm, Chest, Hip, Legs, Waist. You will find the morph controls in these menus.
Detailed Filelist:
...\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\Supermassive\Super Curves Remastered\
SCR Anatomy Definition Plus.dsf
SCR Anatomy Definition.dsf
SCR Anatomy Height.dsf
SCR Anatomy Puffy.dsf
SCR Anatomy Width.dsf
SCR Arm Details.dsf
SCR Arm Size.dsf
SCR Armpit Curve.dsf
SCR Back Details.dsf
SCR Back Width.dsf
SCR Belly Definition.dsf
SCR Belly Fat.dsf
SCR Belly Lower Bulge.dsf
SCR Belly Muscular.dsf
SCR Belly Out In.dsf
SCR Belly Size.dsf
SCR Belly Width Lower.dsf
SCR Belly Width Upper.dsf
SCR Cage Strenght.dsf
SCR Calf Back Curve.dsf
SCR Calf Back Depth.dsf
SCR Calf Details.dsf
SCR Calf Height.dsf
SCR Calf Inner 1.dsf
SCR Calf Inner 2.dsf
SCR Calf Inner 3.dsf
SCR Calf Outer 1.dsf
SCR Calf Outer 2.dsf
SCR Calf Rotate Out.dsf
SCR Calf Thickness.dsf
SCR Chest Details.dsf
SCR Glute Inner Close.dsf
SCR Glute Lower.dsf
SCR Glute Narrow.dsf
SCR Glute Shape.dsf
SCR Glute Up Down.dsf
SCR Glute Width Upper.dsf
SCR Glute Width.dsf
SCR Glutes Depth.dsf
SCR Hip Depth.dsf
SCR Hip Hight.dsf
SCR Hip Shape 1.dsf
SCR Hip Shape 2.dsf
SCR Hip Shape 3.dsf
SCR Hip Shape 4.dsf
SCR Hip Shape 5.dsf
SCR Hip Size.dsf
SCR Hip Width.dsf
SCR Knee Back.dsf
SCR Knee Deformation.dsf
SCR Knee Depth.dsf
SCR Knee Details.dsf
SCR Knee Inner.dsf
SCR Knee Outer.dsf
SCR Neck Details.dsf
SCR Ribs Definition.dsf
SCR Thigh Back 1.dsf
SCR Thigh Back 2.dsf
SCR Thigh Details.dsf
SCR Thigh Front.dsf
SCR Thigh Inner 1.dsf
SCR Thigh Inner 2.dsf
SCR Thigh Muscular.dsf
SCR Thigh Outer 1.dsf
SCR Thigh Outer 2.dsf
SCR Thigh Outer 3.dsf
SCR Torso Narrow.dsf