Summer Mood Bedroom

Summer Mood Bedroom

Summer Mood Bedroom
Summer mood - is a product that could be relevant at any time of the year. Every prop was created in one style and combined with the general mood of the product. It has 10 cameras and for each camera, there is one light preset. For better lighting, it would be better to hide some of the curtains.

The main feature of summer mood is the possibility to:

Open and close windows (WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4) using morphs in parameters tab.

To move curtains in the style that you like. There are 4 different style morph for each curtain. (You can find them also in the parameters tab).

Morphing bed. You have the opportunity to move blanket and plaid in 5 morph style. Just move the blanket and the plaid will draw up! Each pillow has per one morph that help you to put your Genesis more realistic. Use all these features and combine them together to create new picture every time by the same props

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