Street Sweeper - Cyber Samurai for Genesis 8 Male
From the glint of his blade, the glow of his cybernetic eye, the whirr of his mechanical arm, the sneer of his tengu mask, or the unmistakable shadow he casts down neon-lit streets, this cyber-samurai will cull any path before him, earning him the name Street Sweeper...
The Street Sweeper for Genesis 8 Male blends classic samurai concepts into a stylish, post modern concept perfect for post apocalyptic, dystopian, cyperpunk or even space opera genres of science fiction.
This complete set features a fully realized compliment of clothing including hakama (pants), uwagi (top coat), undershirt, long coat with optional armor, obi (belt), tabi socks and geta (sandals), as well as his signature techno styled katana with scabbard, tengu (traditional samurai devil mask), cybernetic eye to clip onto the tengu, and kasa (large form hat with chin strap).
All cloth elements utilize dForce simulation as well included morphs for movement and adjustments, and bonus poses are included featuring the use of the katana and scabbard. Also included are two different texture/PBR material load outs: Black and Gold (the default settings) and "Bright Fighter."
Street Sweeper - Cyber Samurai for Genesis 8 Male is ready wherever you need him! Get thie complete set for your cyber, futuristic, samurai, ultra-modern and urban scenes today.
The product is made for dForce but works well in most poses as conforming
What's Included and Features
Street Sweeper - Cyber Samurai for Genesis 8 Male (.DUF)
Street Sweeper !Load All
Street Sweeper Cloak With Armor And Katana
Blown Back L
Blown Back R
Blown Fwd L
Blown Fwd R
Compress For Kneel L
Compress For Kneel R
Expand Back
Expand Chest
Expand Hip Area Front
Expand Hip Area Rear
Expand Sides L
Expand Sides R
Expand Torso Front
Expand All
Street Sweeper Cloak
Blown Back L
Blown Back R
Blown Fwd L
Blown Fwd R
Compress For Kneel L
Compress For Kneel R
Expand Back
Expand Chest
Expand Hip Area Front
Expand Hip Area Rear
Expand Sides L
Expand Sides R
Expand Torso Front
Expand All
Flare Out L
Flare Out R
Street Sweeper Cyber Arm
Cuff Area Expand
Fingers Grasp
Grip All
Index Bend
Mid Bend
Thumb Grasp
Street Sweeper Geta
Expand All
Street Sweeper Hakama
Blown Back L
Blown Back R
Blown Fwd L
Blown Fwd R
Compress For Kneel L
Compress For Kneel R
Expand Hip Area Front
Expand Hip Area Rear
Flare Out L
Flare Out R
Tighten To Body
Street Sweeper Kasa Hat
Hang Down Back
Street Sweeper Obi
Expand Front
Expand Rear
Expand All
Obi End Fwd L
Obi End Fwd R
Scabbard Area Front-Back
Scabbard Area Up-Down
Shift For Knee Up L
Shift Scabbard Area Out
Shift Up-Down L
Shift Up-Down R
Thicken Knot
Tighten To Body
Tuck Scabbard
Street Sweeper Tabi
Expand All
Inflate Calf L
Inflate Calf R
Street Sweeper Tengu Mask With Cyber Eye
Street Sweeper Tengu Mask
Street Sweeper Undershirt
Expand Back
Expand Chest
Expand Sides L
Expand Sides R
Expand Sleeve L
Expand Sleeve R
Expand Torso Front
Expand All
Street Sweeper Uwagi
Expand Back
Expand Chest
Expand Sides L
Expand Sides R
Expand Sleeve L
Expand Sleeve R
Expand Torso Front
Expand All
Street Sweeper Katana
Street Sweeper Scabbard Holder
Street Sweeper Scabbard
Street Sweeper Katana In Hand
Material Options
Black And Gold !All
Black and Gold Armor for Cloak
Black and Gold Cyber Arm
Black and Gold Geta
Black and Gold Hakama
Black and Gold Kasa Hat
Black and Gold Katana
Black and Gold Obi
Black and Gold Scabbard Holder
Black and Gold Tabi
Black and Gold Tengu Mask
Black and Gold Undershirt
Black and Gold Uwagi
Bright Fighter !All
Bright Fighter Armor for Cloak
Bright Fighter Cyber Arm
Bright Fighter Cyber Eye
Bright Fighter Geta
Bright Fighter Hakama
Bright Fighter Kasa
Bright Fighter Katana
Bright Fighter Obi
Bright Fighter Scabbard Holder
Bright Fighter Tabi
Bright Fighter Tengu Mask
Bright Fighter Undershirt
Bright Fighter Uwagi
Black and Gold Katana
Black and Gold Scabbard
Bright Fighter Katana
Bright Fighter Scabbard
Supported Shapes
Darius 8
Edward 8
Floyd 8
Lee 8
Lucas 8
Michael 8
Owen 8
TheBrute 8
Additional Shpaes may be supported by Auto Follow
Textures Include
136 Texturemaps (.jpg) for (4096 x 4096 to 4096 x 4096)
Daz Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF)
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