SongBird Remix Cool and Unusual Birds

SongBird Remix Cool and Unusual Birds

SongBird Remix Cool and Unusual Birds
Songbird ReMix 'Cool and Unusual' Birds includes many of the most interesting birds in North America and the Hawaiian Islands. 'Cool and Unusual' Birds adds many new colorful and specialized bird species such as the Red Crossbill, whose specialized beak that allow the collection of pine nuts from pine cones, or the Brown Creeper who can camouflage itself into a piece of bark and the Roadrunner who spends more time on foot than on wing. Colorful exotics are also included like the crimson red 'I'iwi, a Hawaiian honeycreeper whose curved beak is a specialized for feeding on Hawaiian orchids, the Orange and Black Baltimore Oriole, who has more interest in fruit orchards than baseball diamonds and the lemon yellow songster, the western meadowlark who could be coming soon to a field fence post in your imagery.

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