Sexy Cropped Hoodie for Genesis 8 Females

Sexy Cropped Hoodie for Genesis 8 Females

A sexy cropped hoodie for your modern characters. Please Enjoy!

Hood is rigged with a bone and can be posed easily to match figure's head movement.

This also can be used with the Fighter Agent outfit aswell.

Turn up the Subd resolution level to 2 for more smoother appearance

UPDATE: Turned up the subd level and added another morph

UV mapped: Yes

Multiple Surface options

Morphs 3 with hoodie on/off option

Texture Files 3

Products used in the promos are:

Fighter Agent Outfit For G8f

Also let me know if any issues occur while using this product i will fix it asap

Renderhub, Sexy Cropped Hoodie for Genesis 8 Females, Genesis 8 Female, Clothing.

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