Sci-Fi Architecture Panels Kit Vol 03 Walls-PBR Low-poly 3D model
6 Group ( 39 objects )
File format:3D MAX2021 V-ray5 / Blender / OBJ / FBX
Parts can be rearranged and combined independently
Up to 97ï¼…Quad Easy to modify to the Shape you want
OBJ is a triangular
UVs:YES (local overlap)
Textures : Png 4k PBR (12 shaders / 60 textures)
Sci-Fi series related product store :
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your purchase, I hope you like the assets.
The resale of these assets is prohibited, but they can be used in private and commercial projects.
Personal Standard Use License Extended Commercial License
cgtrader, REX-Hsu, #3075632
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