SC Solo Fantasy Corset 01 for Genesis 8 Female

SC Solo Fantasy Corset 01 for Genesis 8 Female

SC Solo Fantasy Corset 01 for Genesis 8 Female

Fantasy Corset 01 is a single item corset for the Genesis 8 Female Base. Its part of a new range of individual items and comes with 5 different materials - each with its own unique character. The Corset has been fitted to all Daz base models. the materials are suitable for contemrorary, fantasy or sci-fi application and are split to enable a vast amount of options.

Part of the Solo Range

The Corset has will work with Daz base figures and morphs:

Required :
Genesis 8 Female

1 Item Base
1 Item Base with morph
1 Corset Morph
15 Main materials
15 Base Materials
15 Piping Materials
9 Strap Materials
5 Metal Materials

Iray Complete Mats

Multiple corrective morphs for base figures.

Material options:
Daz3D Studio Iray (.duf)

The maps named 4.10+ give the best results.

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