Sabby-Sisters II Carly & Chloe +Add-on
Meet Carly & Chloe ~ They are two beautiful young sisters.
The Options:
Carly INJ & REM
Carly Body INJ & REM
Chloe INJ & REM
Chloe Body INJ & REM
12 Eyes
Carly 6 & Chloe 6
12 Makeups
Carly 6 & Chloe 6
12 Lip Colours
Carly 6 & Chloe 6
This character pack is designed to be mix and matched. Put Carly's lips on Chloe, or Chloe's eyes with Carly's make up, on Chloe's morph. Tons of possibilities. ;D
Required Product:Stephanie 4 (Carly morph) Victoria4.2++
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