Roxy Sweatshirt Dress for G8 and G8.1 Females (repost)

Roxy Sweatshirt Dress for G8 and G8.1 Females (repost)

Roxy Sweatshirt Dress for G8 and G8.1 Females (repost)

Every girl needs a sexy, baggy, off-the-shoulder sweatshirt dress, it's always a classic. So, here's the Roxy Sweatshirt Dress is for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females.

Included in this package:

- Sweatshirt Dress
- 18 solid textures, including 6 heather styles

The dress is dForce enabled, and includes many draping helper morphs. Most of these morphs work best dialed in before running your simulation, just experiment with mixing and matching them in order to get the look you want.

Also, the dress is set at high resolution (which you can change to base if you wish), so you may or may not see small areas that need adjusting after simulation. Fitting adjustment morphs are also included for this.

Many popular body morphs for Genesis 8 and 8.1 are included, and have been optimized to improve it's appearance, but other body morphs will work with the autofollow technology.

All material presets are optimized for the Iray Render Engine.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy the Roxy Sweatshirt Dress!

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