

Rosetta is a high quality, precision made custom v4 character.
Sculpted in Z Brush from the base v4 obj file, Rosetta is completely unique and does not require supporting morphs. Textured with high resolution photos, techniques and methods were employed to retain the image quality and detail of the original images. This results in realistic skin textures that still look great even very close up.
Rosetta's fine sculptural and textural details produced from a mesh with over 13 million polygons are reproduced in the v4 format through displacement mapping. Two shader/texture sets are provided, one is layered with epidural and subdural maps for fantastic renders with traditional lighting setups, the other is configured for subsurface scattering and provides incredible realism when rendered with indirect lighting setups. Nearly all texture maps are 4096 x 4096 in the jpeg format saved at a very high quality setting.
Rosetta, a 30's something beautifully voluptuous gal comes with a sexy dynamic bikini that is engineered to work well in the clothroom and to fit Rosetta perfectly.
Rosetta's texture setups are provided with
natural skin, tanned skin and 2 optional tanline configurations in both the standard and SSS modes. She also comes with alternate hip mapping to improve the appearance of her derriere (reduces texture stretching across the derriere in bent hip poses)
Her makeup options are ,no makeup, eye mascara only, and eye mascara with either pink, red or dark red lipstick.
Rosetta comes with 20 morphs that load as dials when she is loaded and do not require seperate "injections". In addtion to a dynamic shrink morph to improve dynamic clothing fit during posing, she has various appearence improvement morphs. Including...

Required Product:Victoria 4.2

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