Ron's War Essentials
In this strategically planned War Special Effects Package for the creative artist, we have Photoshop Brushes, .PSD Layers of Fire, Photoshop Tools and Layer Styles, this is one dedicated to War Effects only.
In this battlefield of Hollywood effects you will find any thing related to modern warfare to past wars.
Custom presets that you can have anytime you want a lot of necessary brushes of atmospheric effects and a few surprises,It is loaded with features you will use over and over. Also every brush has a defined purpose with a name attached inside the brush menu.
Hope you enjoy and Thanks.
What's Included and Features
Ron's War Essentials
450 Adobe Photoshop Brushes (.ABR)
032 Adobe Photoshop Layer Styles (.ASL)
132 Adobe Photoshop Tools (.TPL)
050 Adobe Photoshop Layers of Real Fire (.PSD)