Rigging Vehicles and Mechs in Daz Studio

Rigging Vehicles and Mechs in Daz Studio

Rigging Vehicles and Mechs in Daz Studio
Rigging vehicles and mechs inside of Daz Studio is a straight forward and easy process, it’s just like standing ten cans up on the ground and then kicking them over one at a time. Really? Yes, it’s just a process of kicking them over one at a time, working your way through your project. Rigging can be a little over whelming at first but as you watch and learn the whole matter will become more clear.

Vehicle and mech rigs are very similar, so with that in mind I walk you through completely rigging a vehicle from the ground up. But wait there’s more! We’ll also be rigging a spring suspension system, a steering system with control arms and tie rods, and rigging the vehicle drive shafts. Everything that can move on a vehicle...we’ll be doing.

I’ll be discussing and working our way through the following topics and/or tools:
Figure Setup
Joint Editor
Dial Parameters and Properties
ERC (Enhanced Remote Control)
Morph ERC
Keyed ERC
Smart Parenting

Once you see me completely rig a figure you'll see how easy it all really is!

The video tutorial is presented in a calm and easy style making the art of rigging pain free. So come join me for over 90 minutes of learning and clearly see what I’m doing in 1920x1080 video MP4 format.


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