Reign of Terror: The Tumbril

Reign of Terror: The Tumbril

Reign of Terror: The Tumbril
Tumbrel or Tumbril is a two-wheeled cart or wagon of french origin, typically designed to be hauled by a single horse or ox. Although its original use was for agricultural work, mainly for carrying manure, tumbrils gained wider popularity during the French Revolution when were used for taking prisoners to the guillotine.

What is included:

Poser Figures:
Agricultural Manure Wagon - Tumbril
Horse Collar - 4 optional IK Chains

Smart Props:

Wooden Tumbril
Painted Tumbril

5 M4 Condemned Prisoners
1 M4 Horse Driver
1 V4 Condemned Prisoner

Utility Poses for hiding tumbril horse belt

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