Realistic Grass Ultimate

Realistic Grass Ultimate

Realistic Grass Ultimate
This product contains props to mimic realistic grass in digital format!
There are several props so one can use has much needed, if a computer is low on resources one can just load 3 or 4 props in the center of the hill and achieve great results, for a human figure is enough!
For wider or bigger scenes there are more props so it is flexible for huge scenes and smaller ones.
The important fact to have in mind is that you should always place the camera in a frontal position because of the density of the grass diminish towards the center top of the hill. This is because it is the way grass renders best in the digital world.
There is also some extra props mainly for bird eye views, they are not necessary for the most part, they were not used in the promo images. They also look good on top views but heavy on computer resources.
All in all pretty fun pack to achieve the look of a grassy hill field.

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