Portrait Scribble Sketch Art Photoshop Action

Portrait Scribble Sketch Art Photoshop Action

Portrait Scribble Sketch Art Photoshop Action
Portrait Scribble Sketch Art Action

This action has been tested and working on Photoshop (English version only)
CS3, CS4,CS5,CS6,CC, CC 2014, CC 2018 and Higher

Important Notes To Run The Action Correctly
1. Photo sizes between (3400–3600px) or (3600x3600)
2. Photo resolution between 240-300dpi (recommended 300pdi)
3. Photo must be RGB and 8bit color mode in Photoshop
4. Use English versions of Photoshop CS3,CS4,CS5,CS6,CC,CC2014,CC2015,CC2015.5, CC 2018
5. Use your photo as the background (Layer -> New -> Layer from Background)
6. Avoid using small resolution images.

1. Make sure your ACTIONS palette is open. If not, go to WINDOW – ACTIONS.
2. In the actions palette on the top right corner click on the lines icon. Next, click on LOAD ACTIONS.
3. Select the action you wish to install and then click OPEN.
4. Your ACTION will now appear in the actions palette and are ready to be used.

1. Make sure your select the BRUSH tool on TOOLS panel. If not, go to WINDOW – TOOLS.
2. In the brushes palette on the top right corner click on the icon. Next, click on LOAD BRUSHES.
3. Select Brushes that came with the main folder to install then click OPEN.
4. Your BRUSHES will now appear in the brushes palette and are ready to be used.


Please check out the Screenshots that come with the action to know how to use this action.

1- Open your Photo, Your Photo must be locked as “background”. If not,
you can set as the 'Background‘ by select your photo layer and
go to the menu 'Layer' --> 'New'-->'Layer from Background.'

2. Make sure Your Photo is RGB and 8 bit color mode in Photoshop

3- Make sure the Opacity and flow of brush tool are 100% and the mode is normal(Each time you run the action)

4- Run the first action to create the “ brush” layer

5- With the “brush” layer selected, (Use Soft Brush) and brush over the area you want to apply the effect on, Then run the second action

6- You can also customize it as you want, Just show/hide layers/folder to add more details, or duplicate folders and layers.


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